Winter Break
A Shuuen no Shiori fanfiction; published in the Shuuen no Shiori 2021-2022 Winter Zine
The final day of classes before breaks always were calm ones. They went by as always, perhaps a bit more sluggish than usual, but tended to be easier on the mind. Less challenging topics, no new material, and perhaps a bit of work for the break that could be done in a day or two. With the help of friends, it would go by that much faster. Unless, of course, you were a member of the Occult Club.The students making up the club always were the rather odd bunch. Despite the more dreary topic of the occult, meetings were always quite lively, the final meeting prior to their winter break being no exception.
Perhaps it was to be expected that C-ta and D-ne would bicker with one another until the moment B-ko arrived, pointing an accusatory finger at A-ya for another spread rumor. It was how many meetings began, and was almost a custom for the four. The bickering would stop shortly, and the meeting would formally begin. Or, at least, it would have begun had it been an average meeting. With the break about to begin, the school building closed earlier than it tended to. And after what allegedly happened with the Film Club a few years back- It was never confirmed that their disappearance was the cause of the harsh punishments for being caught inside after hours, but considering the exact time the rule came into place it was generally agreed to be the reasoning. That being said, the day’s meeting would have to either be cut short or relocated. As the clock continued to tick, the time to make a decision dwindled.
Idly watching the second hand count down the minutes, A-ya tuned out his surroundings. The topic had long since shifted from the occult and onto plans for the break, Truth be told, he found it to be boring. Talk of plans for the break, what would be done for the holiday, complaints about the break work… There was no point to it, really. The break would soon end, the holiday would soon pass, and the work would either be completed or untouched. Just as it was each year. Did they really have to waste club time on such topics..? There were other, far more interesting topics to discuss, were there not? Winter was filled with plenty of odd stories and rumors. If they really wanted to, they could create one of their own, even.
Not as if they had the time to. As conversation continued and his own thoughts passed, the clock refused to stop. Soon enough, the school bells rang marking the closing of the building.
“Oh- Is it really time to go?” B-ko was the first to speak up.
“It would seem so,” D-ne let out a sigh. “We could continue talking on the way home-?”
“What if we just stayed late?”
The suggestion stopped any discussions of leaving the moment it was voiced. Surely, staying would do no good at all. It was very much against the rules. Staying behind when teachers would still be in the building was one thing, but to stay when they likely had plans to spend time with family..? To stay behind when the building was presumed to be entirely empty..? And after what had happened with the Film Club… A-ya’s sleepy, cat-like grin came off almost like a challenge to the others. Years had passed since then, and surely there would be no repeat. Plus, with no official records of the incident, there was no way to know for sure if it was no more than an elaborate rumor. No more than a well planned urban legend.
“We won’t be able to meet here again for a while. We might as well stay longer today.”
“Won’t someone check to make sure no one’s left?”
The rumor loving boy only shrugged at B-ko’s concern. He found it to be unnecessary, truthfully. Perhaps it would be a worry if they were in the main building, but they chose to meet in the old school building. Without someone going out of their way to check, it was unlikely that they would be caught, and unless whatever lurked the halls afterhours still existed (or existed at all to begin with), there was nothing to fear. As far as A-ya was concerned, an encounter with an occult being was something more interesting than it was worrying. It was still a thought to fear, of course, but to have something to confirm the events past? He would no longer have to search for the book and bookmark that were said to have started it all. It could create other issues, but it was a worthy exchange as far as he was concerned.
“I agree with B-ko. We should leave now.” D-ne spoke.
“How about we just continue meeting up over the break? I’m sure there’ll be other places we could go,” said C-ta.
“Fine.” With a sigh, A-ya stood up from his desk. He supposed it made more sense to find a time to get together over the break than stay longer and risk getting in trouble. Even so, it was a shame. They had the opportunity to confirm the truth of that night, and they were passing it up-? Truly a shame. But he supposed it made some sense. They likely had their own plans to get to, and it wasn’t even as if they all joined out of an interest in the occult. A-ya had dragged C-ta along, B-ko only joined after scolding him for his rumors, and D-ne joined for B-ko. Of course, as time went on others at least started to have some interest in the occult—he couldn’t think of another reason that they would stay—but it never was their primary reason for joining.
“You really do wanna stay back, huh. B-ko and D-ne already left.”
Oh, C-ta was right. Had he really gotten that lost in his thoughts..? It’s been quite some time. Usually he tended to be fairly observant-
“I was hoping maybe we could find out what happened that night with the Film Club.”
“By living through it ourselves?”
The shorter of the two only remained quiet, gaze falling to the ground.
“Jeez, you really are hopeless,” C-ta chuckled. “Weren’t you looking for the bookmark as proof?”
“…Yeah. The book itself too.”
“Let’s just try and find those, okay? It’ll probably be a lot safer, and if you need an extra hand, I’ll be right there to give it.”
It was nothing new for C-ta to offer a helping hand. For as long as A-ya could remember, C-ta was there. Often his presence was regardless of whether or not the dark haired needed help, but he often chose to indulge his friend. C-ta always seemed to be upset when his offers were refused, after all. And maybe it was nice to have someone who was always there, whether it was to offer help with a physical task or listen on the occasion A-ya felt the need to vent. He didn’t often (not as of late, at least), but the offer alone was more than enough.
“Pinky promise.”
It was silly, how C-ta held out his finger and turned to face his friend. It was silly, but it was endearing in a way. How he could still call for such a childish sort of promise without a care in the world. What difference did a pinky promise make compared to a regular one? An implied greater importance? Some sort of consequence that’s long since been discontinued? A show of wrapping fingers together? At its simplest, it was no more than a promise. Even so, A-ya still wrapped his finger around C-ta’s. Maybe the faintest hint of a smile was visible, too.
The two only broke contact once snow began to fall. The first flake on their intertwined fingers, with plenty more to follow.
“Oh, it’s snowing-” C-ta was the first to break the short silence. “Maybe it’s Yuki-onna?”
A-ya stared for a moment, quickly beginning to laugh. “There’s no way. It’s not snowing enough and we’re not on a mountain. Besides, she doesn’t usually go after pairs. As long as we’re together, we’d be okay.” A pause. “I thought I told you about her years ago- I didn’t think you remembered?”
“She’s not exactly the most obscure legend you’ve told me about. Besides, I told you I like listening to you talk. I remember a lot more than just her.”
As the snow continued to fall, the two continued on their way home. Not many words were shared between them, but none were really needed. Though cold from the snow and winter air, the walk went by fairly quickly. The short distance made it better, of course, but the company certainly helped. By the time they had arrived, the sun had yet to fully set.
“I guess this is where we part.”
“Yeah… Hey, C-ta?”
“…Thank you. For listening.”
The taller only smiled in response. “Of course. And I’ll listen to you talk more whenever the next Occult Club meeting is, even if it’s just the two of us.”
“How about tomorrow-?”
“Then I’ll listen to you more tomorrow.”